Emily CHOW-QUESADA is an associate professor at the Department of English Language and Literature, Hong Kong Baptist University. She has a PhD in English Literary Studies. Her current research focuses on world and postcolonial anglophone literature, intersectional feminism, and the representations of “Blackness” in Hong Kong. She has published journal articles and book chapters on anglophone African literature, Hong Kong literature, and representations of blackness. Her recent publications include “Canonizing the Mundane: Narrating and Transgressing the Nigerian Queer Self/Selves in Unoma Azuah’s Embracing My Shadow and Chike Frankie Edozien’s Lives of Great Men” (Prose Studies, 2023), a monograph on Dambudzo Marechera, The Zimbabwean Maverick: Dambudzo Marechera and Utopian Thinking (Routledge, 2023), and a documentary on Black female diaspora in Hong Kong, Echo: Black Women Artists in Hong Kong (2023). She is also the editor of the “Hong Kong and Chinese Literature and Culture” section of Hong Kong Review of Books (https://hkrbooks.com/).